Over the past six months, I have found myself avoiding the headlines and the sketchy bits of news coming from inside Libya. Because, with the hope brought by the popular uprising, came the terrifying prospect of losing our revolution. As Mohammed Nabbous, the young citizen journalist who brought the world the first images from Benghazi in February, said: “I am not afraid to die, I am afraid to lose the battle.” As one of a generation that grew up under Gaddafi’s repressive and brutal dictatorship, I know what it feels like when the basic goal of your existence becomes survival. […]
ليك يا طرابلس (قصيدة غنائية: جمعة بوكليب)
هي امسحي دموعك دمعة ورا دمعة هي نوري شموعك شمعة ورا شمعة يافاتنه البسمة يام العيون السود هي افتحي بابك طلي على احبابك وضوي بالفرحة في ليل غربتنا ياموردة الخدود في الهاني تاريخك يروي حكايتنا النخل موالك والصبر شيمتنا البحر عنوانك< span dir="LTR" style="font-family: 'Times New Roman', serif; font-size: 12pt; line-height: 115%;"> والفل ريحتنا وشمس وجدانك تضوي مسالكنا الطاء طيبتنا الراء هلال رايتنا يضم نجمتنا الالف نخلتنا وعزتنا الباء بحر المحبة فيك وموجه مودتنا واللام لعبتنا والسين سنتنا وسيرتنا يافاتنة البسمة يام العيون السود هي امسحي دموعك دمعة ورا دمعة هي نوري شموعك شمعة ورا شمعة هي افتحي بابك طلي […]
A Rosy Dream (Short Story)
TRANSLATED BY GHENWA HAYEK I lean back on the chair, placing my head on the edge of the seat and my legs on the back of the chair that looks like a couch… A cold blast of air comes from behind the glass screen that separates me from the departure area . . . I adjust the collar of my jacket around my neck; in this autumn weather, keeping warm is impossible . . . I glance at Aziz, wrapped up in himself, and stare at his glasses with their thick lenses, one arm of which snapped off two weeks […]
Hidden Libyan Art: Mohammed Bin Lamin
For decades many aspects of Libyan culture has been overshadowed by the images and manifestations of the Gaddafi tyrannical regime. Libyan writers and artists became a rare breed, stricken with oppression, poverty, and above all ignorance and neglect. I am trying with this series of posts on (Imtidad) to present the hidden face of Libyan art and artists, that began to breath the fresh air of freedom, and are looking forward to enjoy more open, inspirational, creative atmosphere, enabling them to be part of the social, and cultural changes that Libya will be undergoing in the next few years. **** […]
The Accusation (Poem: Moahmed Shaltami)
It is often said that true inspiring poetry transcends time and place, and outlives its creator, and this can be truly said about the epic works of the late Libyan poet Mohamed Shaltami. His defiant poetry of resistance, confronting oppression and calling for freedom was ever inspiring to many generations of Libyans throughout the years. In his poem (The Accusation) possibly written in political prison in the early 1970’s, Shaltami defies time and describes in vividness the fate of the dictator, and oppressor. It is a testament that despite all the dictators weapons of mass oppression, the people will rise […]
"Blood of The Martyrs Won't Go in Vain"
&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;a href=”http://storify.com/gheblawi/15-years-of-abu-salim-prison-massacre” target=”_blank”&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;View “Libya: “The Blood of Martyrs Won’t Go in Vain” 15 Years of Abu Salim Prison Massacre ” on Storify&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;/a&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;
Gold as Tibra.. for Hannu
Tibra, is a woman's name in Libya, that means gold nugget. Hana Naas, is a Libyan woman that embodied the essence and role of Libyan women in preserving and protecting the cultures and traditions of Libya, and passing them to a new generation of Libyan girls and women that were living or born and raised outside Libya. Through her dedication and activism to empower Libyan women she was seeking to prevent Libyan culture of being lost forever after decades of degradation and destruction by a totalitarian regime, which caused a whole society to fall backwards and marginalise the role […]
Four Forms Of The Poet (By: Jelani Trebshan)
The late Libyan poet Jelani Trebshan (1944 – 2001), embodied in his works the suffering of many Libyan writers and intellectuals under the Gaddafi regime, he was considered in the early 1970’s one of the most distinguished new voices of a new generation of Libyan poets, but as the Libyan regime persecuted and imprisoned many writers in the late 1970’s, he found himself living as a bohemian homeless writer on the streets of Britain, Ireland, Morocco, and Iraq, running away from the shadows of death and longing for his homeland, until he came back to Libya in 1988 full of frustrations and wishes. […]
محمد الأصفر: الحبيب الأمين .. جسد أسير وأشعار طليقة*
مقال: محمد الأصفر الحبيب الأمين شاعر وكاتب من مدينة مصراتة بليبيا، يعيش في بنغازي متخصص في الآثار والتاريخ، تم القبض عليه في الأيام الأولى من الثورة الليبية في مدينة مصراتة صحبة أخيه الفنان التشكيلي محمد الأمين، حدث القبض قبل قليل من إدلائه بتصريح لقناة الجزيرة القطرية حول انتفاضة الشباب الليبي أو ثورة 17 فبراير والتي بدأت ليل 15 فبراير استباقا لترتيبات البوليس والمخابرات الليبية وإرباكا لهما. منذ بداية الثورة وهذا الصديق والشاعر في الأسر حتى الآن، لا نعلم عنه شيئا، وليس لنا إلا الصبر والمطالبة عبر كل المنظمات الدولية بإطلاق سراحه والدعاء له بأن يكون وكل الأخوة الأسرى من مثقفين […]
"من هم المتمردون؟!"
سؤال لطالما سمعته وقرأته منذ ان انطلقت الثورة الشعبية الليبية قبل ثلاث اشهر. كثيراً ما كان الجدل يدور حول اختيار وسائل الاعلام العالمية تسمية “المتمردون” لوصف المنادين بالحرية والديمقراطية وانهاء حكم نظام القذافي في ليبيا، وقد عبر الكثير من الناشطين الليبيين عن عدم رضاهم بهذه التسمية التي قد تختزل تطلعهم للحرية في بلد لم يعرف شيئاً منها لأكثر من اربع عقود. وبعيداً عن جدلية التسمية التي قد تتغير في المستقبل والتي تعددت من “الثوار” إلى “المتظاهرين” إلى “المعارضة” و”المقاتلون الاحرار”، فإن السؤال الذي مازال يتردد “من هم المتمردون؟”. السؤال قد ينطوي على معنيين احدهما يبحث بشكل عفوي وبرئ عن التركيبة […]