Some of you already know my fascination with podcasts and podcasting. Since this new technology came into wide usage on the world wide web I became addicted to filling up my mp3 player (ipod) with many podcasts every week, some of these podcasts became an inspiration for me to work on Imtidad cultural podcasts that is on hold for the time being because of faith issues (will be revealed in time). One of these podcasts is a radio show on the American network WBEZ Chicago Public Radio and Public Radio International (PRI) called This American Life, hosted by Ira Glass. […]
Shame On You
I lost my last resortno more can I look forward.Deep is my woundwounded are the voices of those ghosts that creep into me tonight.At last I will regain my old imagestanding naked nothing to cover my sick pridefilling the spaces with paint. Tell me friend do I look sickdon’t lie to melook closer to the shadows under my eyesto the white hair yes you don’t know meactually you didn’t know mewhen there was a place for green in my eyeswhen the smile traveled from coast to coast when hope grew form my steps.I extend my hand and come closer to […]
The Libyan Dodecalogy
It is not a secret that in the course of becoming a better writer one needs hard work, dedication and commitment, and above all talent. When I started my journey to pursue a dream of becoming something of writer of words on white paper, I had to read a lot, not only fiction and literary works both in Arabic and English, but also non-fiction books of different subjects. Libyan fiction has a very recent history in comparison with other neighbouring countries, but in the same time it has a long one also in comparison to other Arabic countries as well. […]
Halaq Al Reeh – The Story of a Social Revolution
From The Trpoli Post (25-31 Aug. 2007) Book Review by Ghazi Gheblawi of A novel by Salih Senoussi entitled: Halaq Al Reeh This is the story of social evolution, it tells us how we came to be what we are now, and why we face the world the way we do. It is the story of Halaq Al Reeh, which can be literally translated as ‘The Wind Valley’, and the people who dwell this mythical land.Salih Senoussi is A Libyan writer. He lived and studied during the 1980’s in Paris where he started writing his novels in Arabic. He works […]
بودكاست امتداد (الحلقة الخامسة الموسم الثاني)
في هذه الحلقة الخاصة من بودكاست امتداد نقدم تسجيلاً كاملاً للأمسية الشعرية التي أقامتها مجلة بانيبال التي تعنى بالأدب العربي المترجم للإنجليزية لثلاث شعراء من لبنان هم: عبده وازن، زينب عساف، وبسام حجار، والتي أقيمت يوم الاثنين التاسع من يوليو 2007 بالمركز الثقافي الفرنسي بالعاصمة البريطانية لندن. وإلى جانب الشعراء شارك كلاً من الكاتب العراقي صموئيل شمعون في قراءة قصيدة للشاعر بسام حجار الذي تعذر عليه القدوم للندن، وألقى الترجمة الانجليزية الشاعر والمترجم البريطاني ستفين واتس، وألقت رئيسة تحرير بانيبال السيدة مارغريت أوبانك الترجمة الانجليزية لقصائد الشاعرة زينب عساف، أما الشاعر عبده وازن فقد ألقى ترجمة نصوصه، الشاعر البريطاني جون […]
Hisham has done it again..!
The Italian translation of Hisham Matar’s novel (In the Country of Men) won the (Premio Vallombrosa – Gregor von Rezzori) prize in Italy. The prize the second for the Hisham this year after winning the Royal Society of Literature Ondaatje Prize in Britain, is awarded annually for the best new work of international fiction published in Italy, and supported by Provincia di Firenze (the Province of Florence). Hisham received €15,000 and a Fellowship at the Santa Maddalena Foundation, which is a writers’ retreat, in the Valdarno near Florence, and was established by Beatrice Monti della Corte in their house, in […]
تأملات تدوينية
اقوم خلال هذه الفترة باعداد دراسة حول المدونات الليبية المنتشرة على الشبكة. حتى هذه اللحظة استطعت احصاء 76 ستة وسبعين مدونة يكتبها إما ليبيون في الداخل والخارج أو مدونون يقيمون في ليبيا، احد اهم النتائج التي ظهرت هو كثرة استعمال اللغة الانجليزية في التدوين إما كلغة رئيسية أو مصاحبة للغة العربية والدارجة. عدد المدونات التي تستخدم اللغة الانجليزية كلغة رئيسية وبدون وجود لأي ادراجات بالعربية 55 خمسة وخمسون مدونة، أما عدد المدونات ثنائية اللغة فهي 11 احدى عشر، والمدونات التي تستعمل العربية فقط فهي 10 مدونات.. سؤالي للمدونين لماذا تستعمل اللغة الانجليزية فقط، أو اللغة العربية فقط؟ ومن وجهة نظرك […]
The Cave*
A short Story By: Ghazi Gheblawi In the beginning… in the beginning there was nothing, then from a small particle of dust, things existed.. night and day rotated.. the earth became green and yellow.. the first man lived in the cave escaping from the unknown.. then came back to the cave in the last stages of evolution.. days and years passed while they were asleep in the cave, half dead.. they were seven or this what the legend that generations passed on said.. the sun rises and sets and they continue their escape in dreams and illusions.. It is time […]
The Miserable Meshweshian*
A poem by: Abdosalam Al Ajeali Translated from Arabic by: Ghazi GheblawiHe is a shadowTaken by the callAnd left him hangedAt the end of the alleyAnd she is a stormThe dusk is her howdahHer chanting is a line of sandAnd an old coughSo, come close oh, stormThis embossed is a home for my fingersAnd that small scarlet,A river for my ships I, the miserable MeshweshianSon of the ashy godsKnow how to ripen your stubborn fruits!And how to draw the jungles and drumsOn your wintry blanketsI invite you to danceIn the seasons of thirstAnd I wear you in the nights of […]
A Short Story By: Ghazi GheblawiWhat amazed me this morning wasn’t the darkness that surrounded everything around me, and wasn’t losing my sense of hearing, or smelling, but what amazed me, was that when I crawled till I reached what I expected it to be the mirror and turned the lights on, I couldn’t see myself. There was only dark emptiness…!!!I walked to the flat’s front door, facing a stillborn, depressing morning. I tried to touch my eyes, but there was nothing. Only a smooth studded neck. When did I lose my head?!! And what made me more astonished is […]